27.Reinforced Concrete Construction by D. L. Halsall, F. W. Coy. The use of RCC has to be confined within certain limitations because of the brittleness, high shrinkage, and low impact resistance of the concrete.
jun 24, 2010
Structural design; rules for design of electrical. in stone masonry; methods of designing RCC structures, and 3d Finite Element analysis of. electrical systems of earth moving machines by P N Kumar and R. S. Siva Reddy.
For RCC design, various kinds of theories have been established and many books have been written to...
Theatre Structural Analysis and Design,. Mr. Ashwani Kumar.. and use of Equations.Laufen (German: Lauf) is a town in the district of Ansbach, Bavaria, Germany. It is situated 10 km south of Neustadt an der Waldnaab.
The town is twinned with the English town of Leeds.
The town has around 3000 residents, of whom 60% are Catholics.
Notable people
Johann Baptist von Steinberger, the Apostle, born in Laufen.
Johann Georg Kleist, a theologian, born in Laufen.
Category:Ansbach (district)Q:
Mongodb query: finding the first non-NULL value in a document
Given the following document in a collection:
"_id" : 1,
"ref" : "foo",
"baz" : null,
"num" : 2,
"num2" : null,
How can I find the first non-null value for the field "num"? I.e., the _id and "num" values.
$unwind to "flatten" the document into an array, then $filter to remove the null values.
{ "$unwind": "$baz" },
{ "$unwind": "$num" },
{ "$unwind": "$num" },
{ "$unwind": "$num2" },
{ "$match": { "$or": [ { "baz": null }, be359ba680
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